Ok, fews days ago, the information minister, gave assurance to bloggers that they will not be charged if they post comment on gov policy than sending blaspheme...
So the latest issue is the impending Penanti by election, which is now vacated. Well, actually I agree with the decision of Fairuz to quit since he is alleged to be involved in corruption scandal.... So it is by right to resign until he is being cleared off the charges.... This is a normal practice by Japanese politicians as a sign of leaders have to be responsible to the people. Unlike some who are found gulity for corruption aka money politics but still become cm in malacca. hmmm... I wonder whether the BN gov is calling the PR gov black (pot calling the cattle black) or rather charcoal calling paper black... in this case as there is still no evidence that Fairuz is gulity.
But then again in these days, I kinda doubt the justice system in Malaysia... because our chief judge was a former UMNO lawyer, and also he admited that he had seen some of his colleague in the past involved in corruption. This means, the rich and famous can simply buy the verdict of the judges... Its kinda like a petaling street.... the new product on sale is Malaysian Judge's verdict.... which judge do you want? cheap cheap only, US$ 1 million.... then u can escape from killing Mongolian Artist and migrate to UK...
Or u can use it to get somebody imprison for his innocence... aka DSAI, what type of crime you want him to be punished for? SODOMY, MURDER, or even Corruption... hmmmm.... I'll take the first coz it is kinda rare right... And all the muslim will stone him to death.... that way I can be free from any guilt of murdering again.... ( you know who I meant by this)
Ohya the real issue I have not talked about....
BN claim that by election is a waste of public fund....
Yeah says a person who use GLC money to give present to the residents to buy their heart and vote. hmmm.... according to them, it is a normal practice by BN to give handouts during by-election... yeah..., we all surely know about this...... there is a famous barometer to determine when the next election in an area gonna happen in Malaysia.... Easy easy only...... Normally when u drive on the road rite... there is a lot of poth holes rite.... so when ur driving on the same road in a smooth manner plus its looks like the road has just been tar, that means that place is gonna have election soon.... Or you have people coming to ur house, asking auntie, auntie, do you have any problem in getting the right of the land? IF got we can halp you..... vote for the weighting scale...
Then after that, you never hear from the person again.... so typical in swk n sbh..... they keep giving people hope... Nay its pay back time.... for all the years of lies and deceit.... The batang Ai people fell into this trick once more.... they have been promised a piece of land for like the past 20 years...... but until today remain illegal occupant.... plus they have been thrown out from their original village before... so pity them la.... I dun blame them for having high hopes but still get nothing after that.....
That aint gonna happen in Kuching.... thats y BN lose four chinese majority seats.... plus the DAP fireband, Chong Chien Jen is such a cute chili mouth boy..... its definitely worst sending him to both state and federal parliament..... Its just fun receiving u know the account of all the corrupt practices of the BN gov delivered direct to your house... damn.. BN's report card is full of red inks..... and its giving me sore eyes....
ok the conclusion of the day is.... it is right for Malaysian public to get a report card on how much money form the GLC has been used by the BN gov each time election.... Trust me..... we are kinda getting used to the red report card... like the selangor scandal... regarding PKNS and so called whore association which spend millions on buying the husbands rolex, expensive suit and cars also vacation trip to Japan, Australia to visit children in uni (maybe even paying the fees), and whole lots others....
its time to clean up the mess....
Malaysia, if u wanna have a top university in the world ranking, heed the advise of Harvard, "We sack the shole faculty that is underperforming and install a new one until it works". trust me... its gonna make it worth it..... the best thing for the current PM is for his gov to be booted out the next election.... so that he have more power to clean up the current mess.... or not its gonna end like a cancer we're suffering regarding the sub-prime morgage crisis in US.... Now its cleaning time..... not to patch up a small hole today and get a sink hole the next day
ohya by the way, its better to be like singapore.... so much developed than malaysia... ask anyone do you know malaysia and you'll get reply like.... hmmmm what country is it? is it Malawi? Mauritious? where have we been for the past 50 years that we are invincible compared to the small dot at the end of malaysia's map?
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